11.06.2008, 06:52
![Om1_01 Om1_01](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/Om1_01.gif)
echt nice ![Big Grin Big Grin](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
steht ja im Mobfinder
![#o3m #o3m](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/Om1_03.gif)
mfg. Kronooooooo (HEAL
![Om1_01 Om1_01](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/Om1_01.gif)
p.s. Ja Polo, wie meinst das?
EDIT: ich ordne die Boss minions gleich den Raid Bossen zu und poste dann hier gleich alles, oder soll ich gleich in WIki eintragen???? wenn das geht ^^
(Schreib natürlich dazu das es von Haleth kommt
![Wink Wink](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.png)
EDIT2 : NE doch nich xD weiss nich genau zu welchen die gehoeren....
![Tongue Tongue](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/tongue.png)
Name , Rasse , LVL , Typ , HP , XP
Ghastly Warrior , Undead , 61 , aggressive , 3.137 , 4.769
Blader of Despair , Undead , 62 , aggressive , 3.219 , 4.938
Archer of Despair , Undead , 61 , aggressive , 3.137 , 4.708
Seer of Hallate , Magic Creature , 60 , aggressive , 3.054 , 4.045
Ghost of the Tower , Undead , 60 , aggressive , 3.054 , 4.045
zwischen Toi1 und Toi2 gibts den Raid Lvl 65 "Enmity Ghost Ramdal" (passive , HP: 588.136 , XP: 1.760.714)
Hallate's Knight , Undead , 65 , aggressive , 3.465 , 7.310
Sear of Hallate , Magic Creature , 60 , aggressive , 3.054 , 4.045
Archer of Hallate , Undead , (NICHT IM MOBFINDER)
Hound Dog of Hallate , Animal , 63 , aggressive , 3.302 , 5.098
Crendion , Magic Creature , 62 , aggressive , 3.219 , 4.276
Royal Guard , Undead , (NICHT GEFUNDEN =/ aber vielleicht: , Hallate's Royal Guard , 63 , aggressive , 3.302 , 5.098)
Bathin's Wizard , Demon , 62 , passive , , 3.219 , 6.669 , (Boss-Minion / RaidFighter)
Bathin's Knight , Undead , 62 , passive , , 3.219 , 6.881 , (Boss-Minion / RaidFighter)
Slaughter Bathin , Undead , 63 , aggressive , 3.302 , 6.995
Blader of Despair , Undead , 62 , aggressive , 3.219 , 4.938
Hallate's Knight , Undead , 65 , aggressive , 3.465 , 7.310
Hallate's Maid , Undead , 66 , aggressive , 3.546 , 4.964
Hallate's RoyalGuard , Undead , 63 , aggressive , 3.302 , 5.098
Corrupt Sage , Undead , 64 , aggressive , 3.384 , 5.315
Su Raid Lvl 73 "Death Lord Hallate" (passive , HP: 924.022 , XP: 2.190.219)
Erin Ediunce , Demons , 66 , aggressive , 3.546 , 5.335
Hallate's Warrior , Undead , 64 , aggressive , 3.384 , 4.926
Elmoradan's Lady , Demon , 65 , aggressive , 3.465 , 7.513
Elmoradan's Maid , Demon , 64 , passive , , 3.384 , 7.141 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Elmoradan's ArcherEscort , Undead , 64 , passive , , 3.384 , 7.470 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Archer of Abyss , Demon , 65 , aggressive , 3.465 , 4.889
Hound Dog of Hallate , Animal , 63 , aggressive , 3.302 , 5.098
Platinum Tribe Soldier , Angels , 67 , aggressive , 3.626 , 5.764
Platinum Tribe Archer , Angels , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 7.650
Platinum Tribe Overlord , Angels , 71 , aggressive , 3.938 , 8.449
Hallate's Inspector , Demon , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 5.414
Hallate's Guardian , Demon , 69 , aggressive , 3.784 , 6.396
Hallate's Commander , Undead , 67 , aggressive , 3.626 , 5.184
Hallate's Follower Mul , Demon , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 7.606
Mul's Knight , Demon , 67 , passive , , 3.626 , 6.676 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Mul's Wizard , Demon , 67 , passive , , 3.626 , 7.564 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Platinum Tribe Warrior , Angels , 69 , aggressive , 3.784 , 5.991
Platinum Tribe Soldier , Angels , 67 , aggressive , 3.626 , 5.764
Platinum Tribe Archer , Angels , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 7.650
Hallate's Inspector , Demon , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 5.414
Hallate's Guardian , Demon , 69 , aggressive , 3.784 , 6.396
Mul's Knight , Demon , 67 , passive , , 3.626 , 6.676 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Mul's Wizard , Demon , 67 , passive , , 3.626 , 7.564 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Hallate's Follower Mul , Demon , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 7.606
Raid Lvl 70 "Korim" (passive , HP: 888.658 , XP: 3.859.833)
Magus Valac , Demon , 70 , aggressive , 3.862 , 8.481
Valac's Creature , Beasts , 69 , passive , , 3.784 , 7.707 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Valac's Guardian Spirit , Demon , 69 , passive , , 3.784 , 7.123 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Platinum Tribe Shaman , Angels , 70 , aggressive , 3.862 , 5.881
Guardian Angel , Angels , 72 , aggressive , 4.013 , 12.443
Platinum Tribe Overlord , Angels , 71 , aggressive , 3.938 , 8.449
Messanger Angel , Angels , 70 , aggressive , 3.862 , 13.079
Platinum Guard Warrior , Angels , 72 , aggressive , 4.013 , 6.036
Sub Raid Lvl 75 "Kernon" (passive , HP: 945.900 , XP: 2.238.750)
Messanger Angel , Angels , 70 , aggressive , 3.862 , 13.079
Guardian Angel , Angels , 72 , aggressive , 4.013 , 12.443
Platinum Guardian Shaman , Angels , 73 , aggressive , 4.086 , 6.529
Bound Shaman , Angels , 72 , passive , , 4.013 , 9.651 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Bound Warrior , Angels , 72 , passive , , 4.013 , 9.719 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Bound Archer , Angels , 72 , passive , , 4.013 , 9.647 , (Boss-Minion/RaidFighter)
Binder , , Angels , 73 , aggressive , 4.086 , 10.342
Seal Angel , Angels , 73 , aggressive , 4.086 , 13.949
Seal Archangel , Angels , 75 , aggressive , 4.229 , 14.733
Guardian Angel , Angels , 72 , aggressive , 4.013 , 12.443
Guardian Archangel , Angels , 74 , aggressive , 4.158 , 14.206
Platinum Guardian Chief , Angels , 75 , aggressive , 4.229 , 6.752
Power Angel Amon , Angels , 75 , aggressive , 4.229 , 8.887
Amon's Spirits , Fairies , 74 , passive , , 4.158 , 10.096
Amon's Captain of the Guards , Angels , 74 , passive , , 4.158 , 8.546
Seal Archangel , Angels , 75 , aggressive , 4.229 , 14.733
Platinum Guardian Shaman , Angels , 73 , aggressive , 4.086 , 6.529
Platinum Guardian Prefect , Angels , 74 , aggressive , 4.158 , 8.909(von Toi11 nach Toi12) ,
Sub Raid Lvl 79 "Golkonda" (passive , HP: 1.974.940 , XP: 2.346.616)
Raid Lvl 78 "Fire of Wrath Shuriel" (passive , HP: 977.229 , XP: 2.287.584)
Bloody Lord , Demon , 68 , aggressive , 3.706 , 9.382
Guardian Archangel , Angels , 74 , aggressive , 4.158 , 14.206
Platinum Guardian Shaman , Angels , 73 , aggressive , 4.086 , 6.529
Platinum Guardian Chief , Angels , 75 , aggressive , 4.229 , 6.752
Archangel , Angels , 74 , passive , , 444.857 , 6.571
Bloody Lord , Demon , 75 , aggressive , 4.229 , 6.817 ,
und ganz oben der zeitweise an Blutarmut leidende Baium( lvl 75 , passive , HP: 4.068.372 , XP: 10.253.419)
![Om1_01 Om1_01](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/Om1_01.gif)
Diese Liste ist einmal mit Tabstopps getrennt vorhanden und einmal mit (Leerzeichen),(Leerzeichen) wie hier vorhanden
![#o2m #o2m](https://imoriath.com/forum/images/smilies/Om1_02.gif)
EDIT FUER POLO UND ASHU......bitte schön viel spass beim durchgucken -.-*
mein firefox war vorhin nur abgekackt, sonst haertt ichs schon gemacht XD
sry nochmal -.- finds halt mal bissl toller so...