Recipe: Branch of the Mother Tree(60%)

ergibt1Branch of the Mother Tree

Masterwork (15%)Branch of the Mother Tree - Nature

1 Recipe: Branch of the Mother Tree(60%)
10 Branch of the Mother Tree Head
53 Adamantite (Lv3)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 53)
 Silver (Lv2) (6 => 318)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 318)
 Iron Ore (Lv1) (51 => 16218)
25 Adamantite Wire (Lv3)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 25)
 Silver Wire (Lv2) (6 => 150)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 150)
 Steel Wire (Lv1) (51 => 7650)
21 Weapon Fragment (Mid-grade) (Lv3)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 21)
 Weapon Fragment (Lv2) (6 => 126)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 126)
 Weapon Fragment (Low-grade) (Lv1) (51 => 6426)
16 Synthetic Cokes (Lv3)
 Crafting Solvent (2 => 32)
 Greater Cokes (Lv2) (6 => 96)
 Crafting Solvent (1 => 96)
 Cokes (Lv1) (51 => 4896)
13 Gemstone (A-grade)
166 Crystal (A-grade)

normale Mobs
Alpine Cougar (Großer - OCS)6901-30,0197 %
Splinter Stakato Drone70141-30,0157 %
Guillotine's Ghost67121-30,0113 %
Raider of Pastureland6601-30,0105 %
Frenzy Stakato Soldier6801-30,0099 %
Alpine Kookaburra (Gefütterter - OCS)6501-30,0090 %
Raider of Pastureland6601-30,0088 %
Trampled Man6581-30,0077 %
Trampled Man65221-30,0077 %

normale Mobs
Needle Stakato Drone741710,6192 %
Splinter Stakato Drone695010,5873 %
Vampire Adept721710,4554 %
Requiem Behemoth70010,4515 %
Frenzy Stakato Soldier68010,4316 %
Scavenger Scarab73810,3766 %
Alpine Cougar (Gefütterter - OGS)69010,3640 %
Needle Stakato Worker718810,3371 %

Recipe: Branch of the Mother Tree(60%) (5462)
Erzeugt in 65,711 ms