S Robe Sets

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S-Grade Robe

Bonus für +3 armor sets:
P.Def and Weight Gauge increase

'Major Arcana Set' (Robe/S) Bonus Klassenempfehlung
MA Helm.png
Major Arcana Helmet
(PDef.:83, Crys.:230)
Wit +1, Int+1, Men -2,
M.Atk +8%, moving speed +7,
casting cancel chance -50%,
weight limit +5759
MA Glov.png
Major Arcana Gloves
(PDef.:55, Crys.:153)
MA Robe.png
Major Arcana Robe
(PDef.:166, MP:866), Crys.:748)

MA Boots.png
Major Arcana Boots
(PDef.:55, Crys.:153)

Gesamt-PDef-Wert: 359
Plus Shield: 359
MPBonus: 866

S80 Robe

Bonus für +3 armor sets:
P.Def and Weight Gauge increase

'Dynasty Roben Set' (Robe/S80) Bonus Klassenempfehlung
DynR Circ.png
Dynasty Circlet
(PDef.:92, Crys.:439)
Int -1, Men +1, Magic Casting Spd. +12%, Maximum HP +257, Darkness Resistance +6

Healer: Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase amount of heal, increase magic cancel rate.
Wizard: Int+2, Wit+1, Men-2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase stun resistance, increase M. Atk.
Enchanter: Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption, decrease magic cancel rate.
Summoner: Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase P. Atk., P. Def.

Healer:(only Cardinal, Evas Saint and Shilien Saint)

Wizard:(only Archmage, Soultaker, Mystic Muse and Storm Screamer)
Enchanter:(only Hierophants, Dominators and Doomcryer)
Summoner: (only Arcana Lords, Elemental Masters and Spectral Masters.)

DynR Glov.png
Dynasty Gloves
(PDef.:61, Crys.:293)
DynR Tun.png
Dynasty Tunic
(PDef.:113, MP:592), Crys.:878)
DynR Stock.png
Dynasty Stocking
(PDef.:71, MP:370), Crys.:549)

DynR Boots.png
Dynasty Shoes
(PDef.:61, Crys.:293)

Gesamt-PDef-Wert: 398
Plus Shield: 398
MPBonus: 962

S84 Light

Bonus für +3 armor sets:
P.Def and Weight Gauge increase

'Vesper Leather' (Light/S84) Bonus Klassenempfehlung
VespL Helm.png
Vesper Leather Helmet
(PDef.:101, Crys.:840)
P.Def: 187 Increases
Str+1, Con-2, Dex+1,
P.Atk/Atk.Spd./MP Recovery Rate by 5.57%,
and Max MP by 347.4.
VespL Glov.png
Vesper Leather Gloves
(PDef.:68, Crys.:560)
VespL BP.png
Vesper Leather Breastplate
(PDef.:187, MP:0), Crys.:1680)
VespL Leg.png
Vesper Leather Leggings
(PDef.:117, Crys.:1050)

VespL Boots.png
Vesper Leather Boots
(PDef.:68, Crys.:560)

Gesamt-PDef-Wert: 541
Plus Shield: 541
MPBonus: 0